
Showing posts from August, 2022

How One Man Destroyed the Legitimacy of Atheist Alliance International

by Martin Boers In an earlier article , I claimed that Atheist Alliance International (AAI) was an illegitmate organisation, and I challenged AAI to publish the documents that would falsify that claim. Since that article was published, AAI have failed to make any of those documents public. Instead, there have been two major developments: Bill Flavell - current Secretary of AAI - suddenly stopped answering questions about the behaviour of the AAI board around the time of the 2018 "AGM".  John Richards - former AAI board member - suddenly started answering questions about the behaviour of the AAI board around the time of the 2018 "AGM". These developments have make it clearer than ever that AAI has been an illegitimate organisation since 1 January 2018. New evidence shows that the legitimacy of AAI was destroyed largely by the actions of one man - Bill Flavell. In September 2017, Bill Flavell appointed John Richards to the board of AAI. John Richards claims that he wa